A damp and moist day ends with the expected thunderstorm. Although the center is miles away, its grey clouds towering high up into the darkening sky still evoke a sense looming danger and unconstrained force waiting to be unleashed. Lightning bolts illuminate the otherwise shapeless band of grey and shed light onto the unfathomable cloud manifolds. Like a spotlight unveiling the illusory ‘singular cloud’, exposing its uncountably many constituting contour-less shapes. Once the flash is gone and the immediate perception fades, all that was been unveiled merges back into a hazy singularity.

Thunder rolls over the evening soundscape, but its delay dispels any remaining fear. The chirping and twittering part of nature treats all this with utter indifference. “What is it but a storm we’ve seen so many times before?” they seem to ask. As if they knew it would soon pass.